Mangoes, monkeys and Maggie

Chris and Maggie
in Masindi

Saturday, 4 August 2007

The final countdown

Starting the process no anaesthetic required.

There was no going back
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kerry said...

Dad you have guts. The kids didnt know it was you without the beard. Beth says please grow it back. We will all miss you loads and wish you both all the best in this new chapter of your life.

all our love to you both mum and dad(grandma and grandad)

kerry, shane, beth, steph, jaxx and saskia

Seiko said...

Hi Maggie and Chris,

Will catch up with you through the blog and hope you'll have great British summer for the rest of time!

I've got my blog secretly (only available in Japanese though) so please come around too.

All my love,
