Mangoes, monkeys and Maggie

Chris and Maggie
in Masindi

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

The final countdown Sept 18th

We are in our last few days in Berwick!!! Panic is beginning to set in now. What have we let ourselves in for? What should we pack? How shall we manage all these bags?
We have had a good few weeks here and really enjoyed walking around Berwick and the coast. There is so much to see and the weather has been really kind to us. We are going to miss the coast and the for ever changing sea but I am sure there wil be compensations.
We are expecting to arrive in Masindi on Sept 30th. We havent heard about the house but I keep reassuring Maggie that it will all be alright and the accomodation will be all sorted. If the worst happens we can always stay at Court View Hotel for a few days. There have been bad floods on Eastern Uganda but as far as we can tell this has not affected Masindi although the experts say there will be bad rains this year. As the road from Kampala was bad in the summer it could be a real challenge in the rains.
We are really going to miss every one in England but at least the internet will allow us to keep in touch. We hope lots of people find an excuse to come out to see us. Africa is a fascinating continent and Uganda needs tourism. There is a lot to do and see.

Chris and Maggie

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